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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 2 of being sisterlocked

My Sisterlock Birthday 1/12/10

I know I'm late but am soo happy I finally got my sisterlocks installed! Already I feel free already I no longer have to wear a wig, weaves, braids, or chemicals. My sisterlocks were started with one and a half inches of new growth and the majority of the texturizer in my hair was cut off. I wanted to cut off all of the texturizer in my hair however my sisterlock technician recommended that I left a some of it so that I can have a little length in case I wanted to curl it and it would help when it came time to wash it.

The Four Day Diet

I started The Four Day Diet the second week of January. It's the first diet plan I've tried that I find truly works for me. This diet not only produces excellent results it also shows you how to continue to be successful after the diet is complete. I hate to call it a diet because it's not really a temporary thing that you do just to lose weight. What the diet actually does is teach you or train yourself to make your eating habits healthier and if you do indulge in something unhealthy like pizza or fast foods how to do so in a disciplined manner. The diet actually takes 28 days but it's split into modules and each module is done for only four days. Each module offers different food choices. This makes it easier for me because I'm not eating the same thing 28 days straight and every time I complete a module I feel like I have accomplished something. There are seven modules.....
1. Induction (detox/cleansing)

2. Transition (to reintroduce all food groups)

3. Protein Stretch

4. Smooth


6. Pace

7. Vigorous

So far I have completed the first two modules and I'm in the Protein Stretch module now. I have lost some weight but the main thing is that I feel A LOT better overall. I have more energy and I'm more alert. Now I will say this the book does give amounts of how much you can eat and it does say you can eat less but not more. For me some of the amounts were not enough for an entire day. I always listen to my body. If I found myself getting very weak or light headed I would drink some water and eat more vegetables or fruit but nothing heavier than that and that would work for me. I would not however eat anything out side of the foods offered in the module. I believe to stay on track you have to give yourself a little flexibility without breaking the diet. The book also offers an exercise regiment. I LOVE this diet or should I say this healthier eating habit. :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Year; New Me

One thing I wish to accomplish this year, like so many other people, is a healthier me. I plan to accomplish this by changing my diet and throwing in a little exercise. I don't plan to diet the rest of my life however I do plan to gain enough discipline to continue to practice better eating habits. By making better food choices I know I will feel better and it will assist my hair in growing longer and looking healthy.

Wigging Out

This is my wig that I was wearing over my hair while I had the test sisterlocks in my hair. I had to wear a wig because my hair had broken off so bad in certain spots I couldn't find a hairstyle that would look decent enough for me to wear in public. So I braided the long parts of my hair around the sisterlocks and put the wig on over my hair.